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The #BFAR Storytellers Retreat

The goal of this 3-day retreat is to intimately gather with folx who are committing to remembering our holistic selves – as creatives, servant leaders, laborers, researchers, caregivers, entrepreneurs, and connectors. No two retreats will look exactly the same; however, there are structured individual and group writing times as well as options for co-curated activities to cultivate joy and wellness. Our work in this space is rooted in Black feminisms, indigenous / critical ethnography and music. Before we gather, I ask us to reflect on the following –

  • When do you carve out radical time to remember who you are? 

  • Where does your voice need to stretch and recharge? 

  • What writing projects do you create to feed your soul? 

  • How do you pivot from white gazes to fully attend to yourself? 

The #BFAR Storytellers Retreat is curated by Dr. M. Billye Sankofa Waters. If you are interested in information for an upcoming retreat, email with RETREAT as the subject head.

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AJA. Detroit, MI

Billye moved with intention and care as she beautifully curated this sacred space that allowed each person to get what they needed. If you have the pleasure of being invited, you need to clear your schedule and go, Periodt!


SHAY. Houston, TX

I can't imagine a better way to have spent my birthday. Billye hooked us up with a picture-perfect waterfall hike, a Black-owned breakfast spot that we had to hit up twice and a 5-star dinner that was just perfect. I'm already looking forward  to next year.

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NICOLE. Chicago, IL

Thank you again and again! I am so honored to have been invited and grateful that you pushed me to think about what I want to write. Or even think of myself as a writer. We had a time!

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